Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Guarding The Gates

"Trynna fix myself for society, But can you tell me where is love in anxiety------- Everybody, everybody wants to know, Where you’re going to, Where you’re coming from, What you're going through,  All that you could be is a spectacle, Following after every single miracle, Watch them marvel at, All the joy you have, But they’re too important to have all the joy you have, What a tragedy, you can laugh at me, you can laugh at me, you can laugh at me..."
-Lauryn Hill 

When you become that tragedy... that miracle, you do truly become a spectacle. If you thought figuring out your life was difficult, try doing that while 'society' watches, questions, dictates, doubts your every move. It's a whole different type of pressure, beyond the description of words. Their visions, become your visions... and instead of going against the grain, you conform.

Lost in a world that you didn't signed up for. They conveniently tell you that 'life is simply unfair,' to suck it up and move on.

But since you are still lost, overwhelmed and bewildered, you begin to 'guard your gates.'

I'm sure animals behind glass walls and bars at the zoo can relate...

You change, because you are now 'top flight security' of your gates....

your peace of mind.

What do you do when you're invaded? They've laughed, pointed, criticized, and mocked you.

Can you just suck it up and simply say life is not fair so lets just move on?

Can you closed your eyes really tight and wish/pray it to go away?

What do you do when you can no longer fight the war?

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